Le lundi 23 juillet, ce sera pour Sam le départ de la Dhream Cup à bord d’Initiatives-Coeur. Deuxième course de la saison en solitaire pour Sam après sa très belle seconde place lors de la Douarnenez-Cascais en mai, la Dhream Cup permettra à Sam de peaufiner sa préparation à un peu plus de trois mois du départ de la Route du Rhum.

« Je suis très heureuse de reprendre la mer en course. J’ai beaucoup navigué depuis deux mois et j’ai de très bonnes sensations sur mon bateau. 12 bateaux au départ, c’est un superbe plateau et le meilleur entrainement possible avant la Route du Rhum. Et puis c’est toujours un plaisir pour mois d’aller naviguer en Irlande et le long des côtes britanniques que je connais bien sur des parcours que j’ai beaucoup pratiqués lors de mes solitaires du Figaro ».Sam Davies
On Monday 23rd July, Sam will be competing in the Drheam Cupon board the Initiatives-Coeur. The Drheam Cup, Sam’s second solo race of the season after winning second place in the Douarnenez-Cascais race in May, will provide the opportunity to put the finishing touches on her preparation, a little more than three months before the Route du Rhum.
The competition will be fierce with Yann Elièsand Paul Meilhat in the running.The race is a qualifier for the Route du Rhum which means that no less thantwelve sailboatswill be competing in the Imoca class along with the Initiatives-Coeur. Sam, however, who qualified at the beginning of May, will be free to devote all her energies to the race itself and see how she measures up to the competition.
Since the launch of the Initiatives-Coeur at the end of April and the Douarnenez-Cascais, training has been stepped up onboard and improvements made during the winter have been fine-tuned and secured.
The route will take the boats from Trinité-sur-Mer on the French coast to the mythical Fastnet lighthouse in Ireland, before going down to the Scilly Islands on the south-western tip of England, then on to Cherboug for the finish,covering 740 miles. The route is highly technical and demanding with cargos, currents and sometimes capricious winds during the summer. According to the weather report, fair weather and low winds are on the cards.
Discover the route of the DRHEAM CUP on the interactive map